Monday, 11 May 2009

Expenses - What retrospective action to take? The Pay It Back campaign...

I don't think "Sorry" is enough given the outrageous claims that MP's have made.

That said, the "Hang 'em high" or "Head's on a spike" view is a little too extreme, although I understand the sentiment.

I think we should have a two stage process.

1) An amnesty
2) A thorough investigation

Whilst the defences to date have been abysmal, the "dissolve parliament" approach would cause chaos.

I think we should allow MP's a short period of time (3-6 months) to repay what they have claimed which they deem to be morally wrong.

They should publish what they have repaid (as in what claims they believe were morally wrong).

Following on from the amnesty, the investigation could focus on the outstanding claims.

Any issues of tax evasion etc. should be subject to the law.

Other issues of whether the MP still has morally questionable claims? Let the electorate decide.


Seems fellow bloggers have similar views.

Hat tip to Constantly Furious and Mark Reckons..


  1. Thanks for the Hattip UB41!

    Hopefully more people will link to this and we can really get some traction for the campaign!

    "Pay It Back"

  2. Can I shamelessly plug my own blog on this topic? I am starting a campaign called GROT - Get Rid of Troughers
